Our Core Principles

As a child development program, CEFAC builds on four core principles. These principles provide the basis for the interventions and services provided by the foundation. To develop under- privileged Ghanaians into self-supporting individuals, CEFAC will provide them with

…A Sense of Belonging
…Good Healthcare
…Quality Education and Training

Four Core Principles  

A Sense of Belonging
Our first principle is to ensure that every child is loved and cared for in a society where they can learn and grow into responsible people. This involves the provision of food, clean water, clothing and a sense of camaraderie. CEFAC strives to guide and support the development of children by providing compassionate care and leadership.

Good Healthcare
Good health is fundamental to the well-being of any person. CEFAC will initiate programs that will ensure that families are privy to basic care and receive information on proper hygiene. CEFAC will meet the basic health needs of participants and their families primarily through preventative measures.

Quality Education
Quality education is one that can translate into a range of personal, social and developmental benefits. Programs will be set in place to ensure that children know what they are learning and why they are learning particular subjects or topics with the aim of promoting the development of cognitive, creative and social skills/values.

Sometimes those perceived as lacking desirable traits or status tend to be excluded by society and ostracized as undesirables. These people are marginalized by society. The CEFAC foundation will empower these individuals through the use of  motivational speakers and guidance counselors. Empowerment includes encouraging, and developing the skills for, self-sufficiency, with a focus on eliminating the future need for charity or welfare in the individuals of the group. CEFAC will upheave the economic, political, social, educational and spiritual strength of individuals and communities

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